
Monday, May 3, 2010

Show diamond Brilliance, Fire & Sparkle on your phone

When someone makes a major purchase, he or she usually compares different products and places before making that major purchase. The gathering of information helps each person make an informed decision before buying.

Diamonds are often a major purchase in life. Many people do research online as well as going to multiple jewelry stores to see the product selections and learn about differences in diamonds.

When shopping, each person will usually have a mobile phone. According to International Telecommunication Union (, the number of mobile phone subscriptions will reach 5 billion this year. Many mobile devices are much more than just a phone. People text, go online and use them for research while shopping. They enhance the buying experience.

With GemEx mobile (, people can view diamond brilliance, fire and sparkle on a mobile phone. The Light Performance® certification is sent by simply entering the phone number and diamond id. It can be sent as a picture message and a text message with a link for phones with internet capability.

GemEx is used as part of the experience when buying a diamond because GemEx scientifically certifies the brilliance, fire and sparkle that makes a diamond beautiful.

When you are shopping for a diamond, you can view the diamond's brilliance, fire and sparkle on a mobile phone. It can easily be sent to a friend or family member for a second opinion before you buy a diamond. If you would like to comparison shop, you can keep the diamond images you are interested in on your phone. GemEx mobile enhances the shopping experience and ensures you are buying a beautiful diamond that will get noticed.

Try it out: Send brilliance, fire and sparkle to your phone at and enter SAMPLE as the diamond id. 

Want to win a pair of diamond earrings? Find out how at
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Do you have a great proposal story?

Mine was certainly unique I must say. Both my now husband (Kevin) and I were still in college in Brooklyn, NY. It was in June, not long after the semester ended and Kevin lucked out with a freelance job in Italy. So while I was still finishing my last credits during the Summer, he was going back and forth to Italy.

One of the times he came back to campus, he asked if I wanted to go eat out in the city. We took a cab (something totally not common for two college kids to do!) and went to a Mexican restaurant in the East Village. Just as the cab left I saw Kevin panicking. Having just been paid for his freelance work, I just assumed he let some of the cash fall in the cab. He went to a payphone(not cell phones at the time yet!) and called the Brooklyn cab company. Now to those who know NYC only too well, how many of you would expect the cab not to come back? Well, he did! And sure enough Kevin got his "money" from the floor of the car.

We enjoyed a nice Mexican meal, then proceeded to the "Gold Bar", the first place we had gone on a date! Once we ordered drinks, Kevin suddenly took a little box out of his jacket and popped the question. I was in total shock and instead of replying, I started sweating! Nice visual, right? All I answered was: "You are crazy!" After a few minutes passed and I yet had to give him an answer, he finally asked again and begged I would let him know if yes or no and not just called him crazy. Of course I ended up accepting, then we spent the rest of the time at the bar laughing at him losing the ring in the cab.

Now your turn! Do you have a great proposal story to tell?  Let the world know about it!

Want to win a pair of diamond earrings? Find out how at
Friday, April 16, 2010

GemEx Live Report

GemEx Live Report is great when you want to view your diamond or when you are shopping for a diamond. When I bought an engagement ring for my now wife, I was able to get a list of available diamonds and compare them with Live Report before I chose the diamond with the exceptional brilliance, fire and sparkle I wanted for my wife's ring.

On GemEx Live Report, you can see everything that is included on the GemEx Certificate live and interactive! View a diamond in motion as it will look when being worn and you will be able to see the Brilliance, Fire and Sparkle separately or together for each diamond measurement. You can change the display views; manipulate the images by magnifying part of an image to examine details and related data; activate and stop in-motion images.

See your diamond online at Click on the flashing icon to launch Live Report. Once Live Report is launched, enter your diamond ID and load it as report 1. The median diamond will automatically load as report 2 for comparison.

If you are shopping for diamonds and would like to compare them online, load another diamond as report 2 and use the comparison screen. You can access this screen at the top of the report screen.

Good luck viewing and interacting with your diamond's certificate. If you are shopping for a diamond, good luck with your search. Every diamond certified by GemEx is available on Live Report.
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Romantic Recipes

Green Tea Cheesecake 

From Mhel, A Filipina medical intern with a love for food and a delightful taste for ingredients
6 tbps butter
3/4 cup crushed chocolate flavored grahams or oreo cookies
1 1/2 tsp green tea powder or 4-5 bags of green tea bags
3/4 cup water, divided
2 tbsp unflavored gelatin
1 bar (225 gms) plain cream cheese
3 cups all purpose cream
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup all-purpose cream, well chilled
2 tbsp confectionaire sugar or powdered cocoa (for coating chocolate curls)
bittersweet chocolate curls or shavings


Make the crust ........
  1. Line the bottom of eight 3-inch stainless/pvc rings with foil. Line the sides with acetate film. Arrange prepared molders in a tray. Set aside.
  2. Melt butter in a heavy saucepan. Add crushed biscuits and blend well. Divide the mixture equally among the prepared molders.
  3. With back of the teaspoon, press the crust against the foil lining to form a solid crust for the bottom. Set aside.
Make the cheesecake......
  1. In a small saucepan, disperse green tea powder in water. Mix well and place over low heat until the powder blends with the water.
  2. Measure 1/2 cup of the mixture and transfer to another saucepan. Stir in gelatin and allow granules to swell.
  3. Cook gelatin-green tea mixture over low heat until the gelatin dissolved completely, taking care that the mixture does not boil. Set aside.
  4. With an electric mixer, beat the cream cheese until fluffy. Pour in all-purpose cream and the sugar. Beat until smooth. Pour in the gelatin solution and continue to beat until blended. Enhance with green food color if desired.
  5. Divide the mixture equally among the prepared molder. Freeze or chill until firm.

When ready to serve unmold the cheese cakes to a platter and top with whipped cream and chocolate shavings.

Make the topping.....
1. Beat all-purpose cream and sugar until it somewhat doubles in volume. Transfer the mixture to a pastry bag fitted with an open star tip. Use the pipe topping on the cheesecake......

* instead of choco grahams, i used crushed oreo. Just my personal taste, i think it will work better with the chocolate shavings.

** Since there's no available green tea powder in the supermarket, I infused 4 bags of green tea bags in water. I squeezed out the excess on the greentea-gelatin water for more flavor.

*** instead of confectionaire sugar, i used a bittersweet cocoa powder to coat my chocolate shavings.

About Mhel
Apart from being a medical intern, Mhel loves to paint, play piano, read books, and most especially cook good food:
"I'm a great sucker for herbs and spices, because I believe they can make wonders to your home cooking. My simple dreams are to be able to shop and do some groceries in a typical Indian or Persian spice markets (heaven!!), travel and have a lot of cultural and culinary adventures from different places (coz nothing beats a food safari trip, how I love to do Bourdain stuffs), be able to study in some French culinary school. Maybe someday, after I get my MD, and get to practice locally or abroad, I could study in a French Culinary School and be able to explore more on cooking."
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

How important is the beauty of a diamond?

A couple of weekends ago I went to a cousin's birthday party in Chicago. Apart from being real nice seeing some of my husband's family and all of the kids interacting with one another, we ate extremely well. The birthday party was at an Indian Restaurant and the food was spectacular. Even my little 18 month old loved it!

Back at our cousins' house, as we were talking about our lives, jobs etc, the couple mentioned how they had to replace their engagement ring after it was stolen a few years ago. As they were looking for a new diamond ring, what they were looking for was one where the diamond would sparkle and shine. They went to their usual jewelry store and after looking at very many of them, they ended up buying one that had indeed a few flaws, but absolutely nothing noticeable to the bare eye. Instead it is a diamond ring which is beautiful, has tremendous light performance and is noticeable from afar. She receives daily compliments yet did not break their bank account!

We would love to hear your story about your engagement ring. How did you choose it? what made you fall in love with it?
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Romantic Recipes

Cheese Souffle 

From Theresa H. Hall - Pastry Arts Graduate form a French Culinary School

Prepare 1 1/2 to 2 quart mold beforehand by heavily buttering the bottom and sides and dusting with either flour or fine bread crumbs.

Chill before using. The nutmeg is bitter against the sweet of the cheese…a perfect compliment.

1 1/2 oz butter (moderate heat)
1 1/2 oz flour
1 c hot milk
seasonings; salt, pepper, nutmeg, mustard
4 egg yolks
7 egg whites
3 oz grated guyere cheese

  1.  Heat the milk.
  2. The thickening agent is the rue. Heat the butter and the flour, stirring constantly until you have achieved a blond rue.
  3. Add the milk to the rue and blend together. Pour into a bowl and set aside to cool.
  4. Enrich the mixture with the egg yolks but be careful not to cook the yolks.
  5. Add seasonings.
  6. Whip egg whites in mixer on highest speed about half way, or until softest peaks.
  7. Add cheese to the egg and flour base.
  8. Fold in light to heavy and heavy to light, whites to egg base.
  9. Pan batter into the mold.
Bake 375º to 400º 25 to 30 minutes.  NEVER OPEN THE OVEN DOOR!  The souffle will appear brown and caky on the top.

If you tap the side there should be just the slightest jiggle.

Serve immediately.  Using two large spoons open the souffle in the middle at the top.

Spoon from the side onto the serving dish and spoon out some sauce.  A souffle sauces itself.

Theresa H Hall is the author of her blog, "Sleeping Kitten - Dancing Dog!" She is a Pastry Arts Graduate from a French Culinary School and has been a contributing writer for Half Hour Meals since last summer.

She is an animal lover and a very active member of She can been read on and can generally be found in HHM Community Discussions.
Thursday, March 25, 2010

New GemEx Contest: Enter to Win 1 Carat Diamond Earrings

Enter to win diamond earrings by becoming a fan of GemEx

First 1000 fans will be entered into a drawing for 1 carat diamond earrings
GemEx Systems, the global leader in diamond Brilliance, Fire & Sparkle Certification announces a new drawing for fans of the official GemEx page on Facebook. The first 1000 fans of GemEx will be automatically entered into a drawing for 1 carat total weight diamond earrings with GemEx’s Light Performance Certification. Visit for all the details.

Last year, GemEx ran a video contest for couples who wanted to get engaged which included a 1 carat diamond engagement ring and a weekend in New York City. The winners were Shaun Fisher and Alex Esteves from Delray Beach, FL. “We were thrilled that we were able to help Shaun and Alex live out their dream of becoming engaged,” said Randall Wagner, CEO of GemEx. “This year, we look forward to giving everyone a chance to win beautiful diamond earrings whether the earrings will be a gift for someone special or for the winner to wear.”

Entering the contest is as simple as becoming a Facebook fan of GemEx. The official GemEx page of Facebook is located at and includes information about the beauty of diamonds and will be a place for discussion on diamonds and their brilliance, fire and sparkle. The page also features links to brands and jewelers that feature diamonds certified by GemEx for Brilliance, Fire & Sparkle. More information including official contest rules and regulation is available at or

In addition to the contest, GemEx has created an app letting users show the beauty of their diamonds on Facebook. GemEx modified the technology of Live Report to show live and interactive images of diamonds on Facebook profiles. More information is available at or
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Romantic Recipes

How more romantic could we start this weekly section than having an amazing chocolate cake made by a Frenchman? I actually made this recipe and brought it to work. Everyone loved it!

Pierre's Chocolate Cake

A star of the dessert world, its wide appeal rests on one simple truth: good quality chocolate! If you are to dedicate your time to its confection, please do not degrade its magnificence with what I call chocolate-flavored wax. Sacrebleu! At the very minimum use 60% cocoa chocolate (semisweet to bittersweet). Personally I choose at least 70% for a true chocolate flavor. In other words, if you are going to swallow those calories, make it worth it !

I did mention calories. Well, yes, at 2 sticks of butter and sugar to match, it is not for the weightwatcher. I am sure you can find a low calorie alternative out there, with fake sugar and, gasp, fake butter, but I won't comment on the taste. So I'll let you in on a little secret. There is a reason for maximizing the cocoa content, hence the bitterness, of the cake: a tiny piece and you are satisfied. Dependent, of course, of your level of addiction to the black substance :)

  • 8 oz chocolate, minimum 70% cocoa
  • 8 oz unsalted butter
  • 8 oz sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/3 cup flour
  • 2 table spoons of Kailua liquor

  1. Preheat the oven to 360F
  2. Melt the chocolate on low
  3. In the meantime, mix the soft butter (I soften it in the microwave for 15 seconds) and the sugar until you get a creamy consistency
  4. Add the eggs one by one, mixing each egg with the batter for a minute each
  5. Add the melted chocolate and mix well
  6. Add the flour and mix well
  7. Add the coffee liquor (it's an option) and mix well.
  8. Pour into a greased cake pan (I use butter for greasing, of course) and bake for 45 minutes at 360F. You know the cake is ready when you put a knife into teh center and it comes out clean. Be careful not to overcook the cake or it could get a bit on the dry side.
  9. Cool the cake down, flip it to present the bottom up, and sprinkle some confection sugar on top for presentation.

Then just wait for the OOOOhs and the AAAhhhhhs :)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Certified Brilliance, Fire and Sparkle on Facebook

GemEx Systems, the global leader in diamond Brilliance, Fire & Sparkle Certification, introduces a new Facebook App With the App, the user can show his or her diamond’s Light Performance to their family and friends and share the beautiful diamond that was carefully selected for exceptional Brilliance, Fire and Sparkle.

“There is great excitement when a person purchases or receives a beautiful diamond,” according to Daniel Gordon, President of Samuel Gordon’s Jewelers. “Whether the diamond is for personal wear, given as a gift or for an engagement, people want to let the world know about their beautiful new diamond. With the GemEx Live Report App, Facebook users now have the ability to show live images of their diamond to family and friends around the world.”

The patented GemEx BrillianceScope Analyzer measures individual diamonds for brilliance, fire and sparkle. Once the diamond measurements are approved by GemEx Quality Assurance Managers, the certificate is issued for each diamond. Each and every diamond is individually certified and is available on GemEx Live Report.

The new App is easy to use. Simply go to and enter the diamond id from your GemEx Certificate. Then you and your friends will be able to see the Light Performance of your diamond on Facebook.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

GemEx Founders

Randall Wagner - CEO / President / Co-Founder
Mr. Wagner is responsible for devising and executing GemEx’s Corporate Strategy. He brings many years of engineering and senior management experience to GemEx. Prior to GemEx, Mr. Wagner served as President of LambdaSpec Instruments, where he was responsible for the design, improvement and vision for the basic GemEx technology. Before LambdaSpec, he held senior management positions with RF Technologies (patient tracking devices) and Mortara Instrument. During his tenure at Mortara, a medical device manufacturer, the company grew from 10 employees to over 100 and $20 million in sales. BSEE Marquette, MSEE Purdue

Randy and his wife, Debbie, live in Mequon, WI and have four children, Justin, Taylor, Cassidy and Jordan. His other interests include Packer football and Marquette basketball.

Kurt Schoeckert - Vice President / Co-Founder
Mr. Schoeckert is responsible for design engineering and the production staff overseeing the assembly and maintenance of the instruments in the field as well as processing all incoming data files from customers. He has over 18 years of engineering and manufacturing experience in the medical instrumentation industry. He has moved through management roles of increasing responsibility in areas of engineering, manufacturing and technical support. Mr. Schoeckert also brings general management experience having been a member of the executive management committee at Mortara Instruments. BSME Milwaukee School of Engineering

Kurt and his wife, Donna, live in Hartford, WI and have 3 children, Paul, Colin and Meagan. His other interests include golf, trap shooting and fishing.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sofia Reino - about me

Originally from Portugal, I somehow ended up in Wisconsin. Still trying to figure out how this happened! I am married to an Irish American from Boston and have two wonderful girls - a tween and a toddler.

The good news is that I do love the Midwest, the culture, the mentality and the ethics. GemEx Systems, where I work and deal with the image, branding, graphics and message, is no exception to that Midwest way of life, and here is a good example. Not long after moving to Wisconsin I came in for an interview and right away noticed the values and ethics of the people working here. Every person who interviewed me was down to earth, straight forward and very welcoming.

Within a month of working I discovered I was pregnant. Now imagine my scare, starting a brand new job and having to tell them, guess what? Well I will never forget Randall Wagner's (the CEO of GemEx Systems) reaction. Ok, so are you happy? To which I responded yes but I feel bad, I just started here. Then he followed with are you thinking in coming back to work after the baby? Of course my answer positive and that is exactly what happened. He and all my other colleagues were very supportive.

I must admit that prior to working for GemEx I was not one of those women who would be wowed by diamonds. But I must admit that apart from having learned a lot about the diamond industry, jewelry and the diamond per se, I find myself looking at someone's diamond ring when shopping around, or when I participate in my daughter's school functions. I did not know much how diamonds were graded, yet thanks to GemEx technology all I notice now is the beauty of the diamond. After all... why do people buy diamonds? Don't they want it to be beautiful, shine, sparkle and be bright? Don’t they want it to be noticed?

I spend my free time playing and dancing with my girls, doing house renovation or working in the yard with my husband and cooking. I love to cook and entertain. I do enjoy football and root for the Steelers at our house. I love soccer and cannot wait for the World Cup to start.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Paul Town - about me

Welcome to the GemEx Systems blog. Please follow us on Twitter (, Facebook ( and LinkedIn ( Our websites are and

My name is Paul Town and I am the marketing manager at GemEx. I started with GemEx in 2001 and have worked in sales and marketing over the past 9 years. I graduated from St. Norbert College ( with a Bachelors degree in Business Administration.

I live in Milwaukee with my wife, Carrie. We were married on September 6, 2008 and are looking forward to the birth of our first child this year. The due date is May 6th and we are waiting to be surprised by the gender. We are very excited for the major change that is coming to our lives and are busy preparing for the new addition to our family.

We are currently working on converting our attic into a bedroom. While I have no idea what I am doing, I have received a great amount of help from family and friends, especially my father-in-law and brothers. We have made a lot of progress over the last few months and thankfully we have hired a company to install the drywall this week. We hope to move upstairs by the end of the month so that we can prepare our current bedroom for the baby. My mom and sister hosted a baby shower for Carrie last weekend and we are very thankful for the great gifts we received. Carrie's mom and sister are hosting another baby shower for her in a couple of weeks. We are happy to have family and friends around with the baby on the way.

I am a big sports fan. We are in a great month of the year with the NCAA tournament. Carrie and I enjoy going to Marquette games and will be following them along with the entire tournament. I enjoy following the NFL, MLB and the NBA and my teams are the Bears, Cubs and Bulls. It has been amazing to watch the Bears actually make moves this month. None of them make them a great (or even good) team but at least they are trying to do something. It would have been nice if they had this sense of urgency after they lost the Super Bowl instead of suffering through these last three years. If the Cubs can be healthy, it could be a fun year but I don't think that will happen. That happens when you have an older roster. I was surprised Jim Hendry was as high as he was in the SI GM ratings. He has great resources but has made too many mistakes recently.

That is some information about me. We will update this blog with different types of posts by different authors and look forward to your feedback and ideas.